Saturday, December 8, 2012

Australian PM: Doomsday will soon coming moment again

Foto : PM Australia Julia Gillard (AFP)
Photo: Australian PM Julia Gillard (AFP)

CANBERRA - Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, gave an important announcement to its people. According to him, the Mayan prediction of the apocalypse will happen in the near future turn out to be true.

Gillard voiced announcements for Australians. But do not worry, Gillard's statement was only an advertisement for a radio show in Australia.

Gillard agreed to appear in an ad campaign on radio discussing doomsday on 21 December. Many people still believe a virtual apocalypse would actually come even though the authorities have tried to stop the issue of controversy.

 "The citizens of Australia who I love, I want to announce here that the Mayans turn out right, the Day of Judgment will come soon," Gillard said in the ad.

The ads were created to resemble an official speech as given by Gillard. In his speech, Gillard said the apocalypse would happen to be a disastrous appearance Zombie, opening the gates of hell, or the dominating K-Pop music in the world.

In closing Gillard does not forget to make sure the citizens that he will continue to ensure the safety of Australia during the apocalypse happens, as reported by Metro, Friday (12/07/2012).

Spokesman said Prime Minister Gillard would do them only for a joke. "It was just for fun, a little humor at the end of that year alone," the spokesman said.

Source:  Metro

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