Thursday, December 13, 2012

This Woman Smuggle Cocaine in the Breast

Photo: Cocaine smuggled in breast (Daily Mail)

BARCELONA - A woman from Panama Bandarta had been arrested in El Prat, Barcelona, for smuggling 1.8 kilograms of cocaine in her breast. The woman should be forced to undergo breast implant surgery.

When she was searched, police found a bloody bandage covering her breasts. She admitted, blood is the blood of the intended operation to smuggle two kilograms of cocaine into his body.

The woman was rushed to the hospital and the doctor managed to take the weight of 1.8 kilograms of cocaine wrapped in plastic in a woman's breasts. Cocaine itself can generate a profit of 240 thousand pounds or approximately Rp 3, 7 billion (Rp15.540 per 1 pound).

"He was in bad shape when it arrived. He said, he was not sick, but he was injured pretty badly," police said, as quoted Vozpopuli, Thursday (12/13/2012).

Police also claim, this case is the second case ever met. In 2011 then, a model was arrested by Italian police for smuggling cocaine in breast and buttocks.

However, until recently the police did not identify her to the public. Police said the woman could die because of cocaine stored in the breasts.

Source:  Vozpopuli

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