Sunday, December 16, 2012

These Dogs Smart Riding a Bicycle

A dog that can ride a bike (Photo: Emirates)

KUNMING - A dog in Kunming City, China attracted the attention of the Bamboo Curtain countries. His expertise in performing a variety of attractions, including riding bikes and scooters being unique advantages of the dog.

Dog named Duoduo it just turned two years old. The owner said the dog was very smart and can control many tricks quickly.

"By the time she was five months he was able to give respect and greet by shaking hands," said Duan, the smart dog owners, as quoted by Reuters on Sunday (16/12/2012).

Duan said he never stopped to teach the tricks that are difficult to Duoduo. At one time her son's bicycle Duan modified to be used by the dog.

"I started to train my dog ​​to ride a bike in September. Many people who do not believe a dog can ride a bike but Duoduo proved again his intelligence, "the man said proudly.

Previous three dogs in New Zealand also made a splashy netizens. In a video uploaded to video website You Tube, all three dogs showed skill in driving a car like a human.

Source:  Reuters

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