Monday, November 26, 2012

Support KB, English Restaurant is Made Themed Condoms

Restaurants condoms (Photo: Daily Mail)

BICESTER - A strange new restaurant in the UK offering family planning leaflets on the food menu. The restaurant is always giving tips on safe sex.

Cabbages and Condoms Restaurant became the first restaurant in the UK issued a leaflet on safe sex when finished eating. The idea of ​​this restaurant started in Thailand. So reported the Daily Mail, Monday (11/25/2012).

The restaurant aims to promote food and sexual health. This idea was successful in six restaurants in Southeast Asia. Name of the restaurant created aiming for people to buy food and also have to buy condoms made ​​merchandise.

Merchandise at Cabbages and Condoms restaurant is themed condoms as mugs, books, and even the mascot are made of contraception.

Cabbages and Condoms restaurant is also equipped with the slogan 'And remember, our food is guaranteed not to cause pregnancy. "

Visitors at the new restaurant will get a chance to taste traditional food Thailand after being given information about sexual health.

The idea came out of desperation in Thailand to promote better understanding about family planning.

The new restaurant in Bicester, Oxford, gives all profits from the sale of merchandise donated to charities in Thailand.

Source:  Daily Mail

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