Thursday, November 29, 2012

Genes determinant time of death have been found

No one knows when his death except God. However, recently a group of scientists claimed to have discovered a gene to know when death comes. A newly discovered gene that is claimed to be able to predict hours in the day a person is likely to die. 

Quoted from, the purpose of this invention is to determine when the patient's heart or stroke should receive the most effective treatment. Scientists found the gene determining the time of death accidentally while investigating the development of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease in patients.

In the study, scientists looked at sleep patterns of 1,200 men aged with a mean age of 65 years who received annual assessment aspects of neurology and psychiatry. In a single molecule of their body was found near a gene called 'Period 1' with bases Adenine (A) and guanine (G). Adenine and Guanine are purine bases dipalai to form nucleotides of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA. Bases Adenine types are more common than guanine base with a ratio of 6:4. This is because humans have two sets of chromosomes so that people have a 36 percent chance of having two A acid purine base, 16 percent have a chance of two G acid-base, and 48 percent likely to have acid bases A and G.

The discovery of genes determining the time of death was published in the journal Annals of Neurology that shows that someone with genotif AA tend to naturally wake up an hour earlier than those who have genotif GG. While the owner genotif AG will wake up in the middle of bedtime. The researchers showed patients with AA or AG genotif will die on average before 11 am while those with GG genotif likely to die before 6pm

"Internal biological clock regulates many aspects of the biology and habits of humans. He also affect the timing of acute medical events such as stroke and heart attacks, "said lead researcher Andrew Lim, from the Department of Neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, as quoted by

While Clifford saper as Head of the Department of Neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess said the discovery of the gene that is something interesting. Unfortunately, these genes only predict hours in the day the patient will die and not the date. How? Would you believe the findings of the genes determining these deaths? No matter how great the predictions of scientists, but the exact time when death comes remains in the hands of the Almighty.


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