Friday, October 19, 2012

Equate Scandal With Anti-Semitic Pope, the Vatican condemned the Jewish

Father Raniero Cantalamessa,
Pope Benedict's personal preacher
delivered a sermon at St Peters 
Basilica, the Vatican,  
on March 2, 2010. (Photo: AP)
VATICAN - Victims of Abuse deviant Catholic priests, along with a number of Jewish groups condemned the Pope's personal preacher saying that comparing herself with criticism of anti-Semitism.

Victim group based in the U.S., Snap, said the comments Father Raniero Cantalamessa, the preacher personally Pope Benedict, an utterance that "morally wrong."

Head of the German central Jewish council called Easter sermon as "arrogance" that has never happened before.

"Interesting equation as it can lead to misunderstandings," said the spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi told the Associated Press.

However, Father Cantalamessa sermon was printed on the front page of the Vatican's official newspaper, LOsservatore Romano.

The BBC correspondent in Rome, David Wiley, said that the Vatican continues to defend himself furiously and openly against the accusation that they had covered up cases of sexual abuse in recent decades.

In the Good Friday Mass held in St. Peter's Basilica, Rome. Preacher of the Pontifical Household Office comparing criticism of the church (of alleged abuse) and "collective suffering" experienced by the Jews.

Father admitted Cantalamess terinsirasi by a letter from a friend of his, a Jew, who was upset with the "attacks" against the pope.

He then read some of the contents of the letter, Cantamelles friend wrote that he was angry with the onslaught and focused on the Church, the Pope and all the faithful in the world.

"The use of stereotypes and changing personal responsibility and guilt to a collective responsibility to remind me of aspects of the more embarrassing than anti-Semitism," said the letter quoted Cantamelles, Pope Benedict XVI listened intently.

No doubt, the comment mamicu outrage from Jewish groups and those representing abuse victims.

Secretary General of the German Central Council of Jews, Stephan Kramer, told the Associated Press that the statement was "disgusting, profane and, above all, to offend all the victims of abuse and the victims of the Holocaust."

David Goldberg, of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue London, told the BBC that the comparison between the criticism of the Pope and anti-Semitism is an analogy that is not in place, but Goldberg did not feel that the speech was aimed poorly.

"What comes to my mind is the inability of the people in the Vatican to understand Jewish life or face the anger so many people, Catholic or another through what is perceived the world," he said.

A spokesman for the Survivors Network Welcome Pastor Harassment (Snap) said that the sermon was "reckless and irresponsible."

"They're sitting in the papal palace, they feel a bit uncomfortable, then they compare themselves to the shooting or were ordered and sent to Auschwitz by cattle car?" said Peter Isely. "They must be joking."

Pope Benedict then attend a Friday prayer service at the majestic Roman Colloseum, Procession of the Cross Path, which commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus.

In a brief sermon, Pope Benedict did not mention the abuse scandal that has rocked the Vatican in recent weeks, but he prayed for Catholics who carry the cross of each in daily life.

Then he blessed the crowd, the applause and shouts of support, "Long live the Pope."

On Saturday local time, the Pope was scheduled to lead worship tugur Silent Saturday in St. Peter's and on Sunday he is scheduled to deliver the message and the traditional blessing Urbi et Orbi (to the city and the world).

Our correspondent says that Pope Benedict seems to have decided to limit comments on the scandal of sexual deviance in the celebration of Easter this year.

Pope had failed to take action against the offenders while still serving as a bishop in the city of Munich, a claim denied by the Vatican.

Source:  AP

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