Sunday, August 26, 2012

Beware, Memory Pill Disturb!

Women taking oral contraceptives or birth control pills called impaired her memory apparently tend towards an information or events, a study conducted by scientists from the University of California, USA mention.

This is because the pill works by reducing estrogen and progesterone to prevent pregnancy

Though this chemical compounds that have been associated with a woman's ability to remember events logically" said Larry Cahill, a neurobiologist who became one of the investigators.

By changing the balance of female hormones, birth control pills change the way women recall information. Those who are taking birth control pills tend to remember details of the incident to complete but not to detail the impact of emotions.

This is evident from the experiments conducted research on several women consuming oral contraceptives are then compared with the women who were not taking birth control pills. Seen those not taking birth control pills to remember an incident in detail, even down to the impact caused by traumatic or emotional event.

The results of this study also raises its own questions about how birth control pills can affect most of women in the world who use it especially to women who work.

(various source)

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