Sunday, August 26, 2012

Baby Body Language and Meaning

A few months old baby is not yet able to speak, so that one of its communication only through cries and body language. But parents can learn the baby's body language to know her wishes.

Babies do have a unique way of communicating with the parents or the people around him. Excerpted from Parenting, Friday (09/07/2010) parents can learn the body language of the tiny, namely:

1.  Kicking his feet
This condition means the baby is fascinated or interested in something, for example when he saw something amazing or
splash water in the bathtub.

Body language can also mean babies reveal the word 'Wow'. Or it could be the baby wanted something more, for example, ask him to play or he wants to move but quite small.

The way to respond is to share his passion with him or her lap to play. Because kicked his legs also helps develop the muscles needed when crawling.

2.  Turned away
This condition may mean the baby needs a little time to figure out what's going on, especially something he saw. Or it could be the baby needs time to his personal space.

The way to respond is let him examine him, even if to see the shadow
in the mirror or it could also give him time to relax. But if the baby is too long away, try to get his attention again.

3. Rubbed or closed eyes
This condition could mean he is trying to play 'peekaboo' or other games to lure others. The other thing is the baby is ready to go to sleep when he felt tired.

The way to respond is to respond in a way to play with passion, such as how to throw a light blanket so that he will try to pull the blanket. But if he is sleepy, he was carrying while sung or recited a short story as he rocked back and forth.

4. Twisting the hair
This condition could mean he is trying to make himself feel better. Besides doing repetitive motions can also mean to cover her nervousness, such as there is a new nanny or a new environment that is too noisy for him.

The way to respond is to let her do it, because it's not something that should be prevented. Can also ask to speak with a soothing tone of voice or try to play to forget her nervousness.

5. Baby arching her back
This condition could mean he is angry, cranky, annoyed with something or have pain that can not be expressed.

The way to respond is to try to calm him down, it usually takes more time because the baby arching her back an accumulation of discomfort.

If accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting or fever, immediately consult a doctor to avoid misdiagnosis and baby feel comfortable again.

6. Stretching the arms or hands
This condition means the baby is in a good mood, relaxed and prepared to look around, but you should still watch his expression.

It also can mean the baby is learning to sit where he needed something to keep his balance.

The way to respond is if the baby shows cheery face, then take advantage of optimistic atmosphere to provide a positive stimulus. But if he is learning to sit give help when he needs, if not need any help let him build his stomach muscles to help him sit up.

7. Pulling at his ears
This condition means he has difficulty in doing something, such as a sign of milk is too hot, stomach bloating or she needs to burp. Another is the sense he was uncomfortable due to illness such as ear infections, sore throat or a disturbance in the nose.

The way to respond is to try to calm him down by making him burp for example, if it has not been quiet as well try to close the curtains, move to another room or turn off the television.

In addition, check for other signs that made him uncomfortable, such as the ears, nose and throat.

Related Info:

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