Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Zombie Babies for Sale U.S. $ 1500

Photo: zombie dolls the work of Shanine (Caters News Agency)

WASHINGTON - The dolls babies and toddlers faced terrible, pale and fanged it does not seem to be liked by boys. But make no mistake, this best-selling dolls sold at USD1.500 to collector.

Bean Shanine spent time eight hours a day to create babies pale and fanged. Although creation is pretty awful, Shanine still got a lot of compliments from many people. Selling dolls and even then sold to women who do not have children.

The 32-year-old woman assembles his first monster doll in 2010. But his penchant for constructing such horrible doll that was the business. Sales of the dolls have spread to the British collector and Shanine get a sizable profit.

"Before I give this doll to my friend, I sold it on eBay to test, what happens to the high price that I set it," said Shanine, as quoted by the Daily Mail, Tuesday (01/01/2013).

"I do not know why I made ​​the zombies and vampires, because I am not a lover of dark culture. They are unique characters, and I've made ​​more than 50 dolls and always in demand," he added.

The dolls are very realistic works but Shanine Shanine not add blood or nasty scar on her dolls. He just added fangs and glowing eyes.

Shanine admitted, his work is the work of a pretty awful but sometimes it is regarded as a puppet doll cute. Shanine added, producing a zombie doll is not cheap and it cost hundreds of dollars.

Source:  Daily Mail

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