Wednesday, December 5, 2012

This person works as a residents ear cleaners

Photo: Abbas & customers (Barcroff India)

NEW DELHI - Muhammad Abbas has other profession is unique rather than ordinary citizens. Every day, this man brings spikes fitted cotton swab to clean the ear citizens of dirt.

In addition to using iron nails and cotton, the 38-year-old man was also used tweezers to extract earwax citizens. Abbas always put his equipment on the cap itself and around to find customers.

Abbas believes she lived business today will not grow as young people in India prefer to clean the ear with a match to her own ears. But Abbas said that, the senior citizens in India still use his services.

"My family has been in this profession as a cotton swab in the Mughal era. I cleaned my ears every 20 to 30 days, but they are generally old customers. Rarely have I seen a young man who asked me to clean his ears," said Abbas, as quoted by the Daily Mail , Wednesday (05/12/2012).

Every day, Abbas could achieve a profit of 20 to 50 rupees, or approximately Rp3.513 to Rp78.783 (1 Rupee per Rp175, 67) when cleaning the ear. After cleaning ears with cotton customers, Abbas also took the tweezers to pick up dirt and throw ear.

Even though it looks dangerous, customers Abbas was never worried about ear infections and injuries. One pelannggan, Muhammad Aslam Qureshi, admitted that he was enjoying the same services as provided Abbas for 17 years.

"I always ask someone to clean my ears. Services is enough to make me relaxed and comfortable. Never any problems that come up in my ear,"

Source:  Daily Mail  

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