Sunday, December 30, 2012

This is the weirdest discoveries in the world of science in 2012


Science may not be separated from the recent discoveries such as treatments for cancer, space missions and much more. Beyond that, there are a number of discoveries that can be said to be peculiar.

Here are some bizarre discoveries that found the scientists quoted by FoxNews, Sunday (30/120/2012).

1. A Living creature without sex
Now, we all know that sex is one way of living beings to increase genetic diversity. But strangely, the bdelloid rotifer female worms do not have sex for 80 million years. Animals are actually eating fungi and bacteria and then combine multiple DNA into the genetic code itself.

2. Honey colorful
Honey from the honeycomb in France turned into a color like brown M & Ms. How so? Apparently biogas processing of waste generated local chocolate factory, Mars Chocolate Factory, make colored sugar biogas process is considered nectar from flowers, so the bee colony sugar and automatically collect honey produced color change to blue and green are striking.

3. Mothers and children mingle in the brain
Research has shown that fetal cells migrate to the brain and then settled in her brain for decades. The scientists found DNA traces of the male sex chromosome in female body 94 years. While scientists do not understand what the function of these cells. Some scientists theorize that the integration of children with fetal brain cells of the mother has a role in Alzheimer's disease, making the brain appear to shrink and shrink.
4. Long age without a penis
Some Koreans found without a penis until 1894, it had connections to local tradition - lifting the penis to secure a high position in the hierarchy of the castle.

Interestingly, for those who do not have a penis, have a lifespan of 20 years longer than those who have a penis. Although as yet there are things that explain the relationship related but the male sex hormone, testosterone is known to suppress the immune system and worsen heart health.

5. Cockroaches used to rescue disaster victims  
Cockroaches have excess can go to difficult terrain though. Therefore, the researchers managed to make a breakthrough by pinning an electric backpack and an antenna sensor to control the movement of roaches roaches. The researchers hope this discovery can find victims which stricken ruins.

6. Bridge mysterious found
A giant bridge with dark matter, a substance that is hard felt by the gravitational attraction found between massive galaxy clusters and is 2.7 billion billion light years from Earth. These findings support the idea as well as the formation of galaxy clusters.

7. Photos of babies can reduce crime
What is the best way to reduce crime? Yes, put a picture of the little babies. At least, the way it has been done a number of shop owners in Gravesen, London. Hopefully, when the criminals see the adorable baby, the intention to steal will be annihilated.

Species new man
The scientists in southwestern China have found an oddly shaped skull human species called the Red Deer Cave People are estimated to live at the end of the ice age, about 11. 000 years ago.

In his findings, the odd-shaped frame with a jaw and prominent cheekbones. Then the skull was the same size brain as our ancestors from thousands of years ago.

Source:  Foxnews

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