Crushing action is carried out by alibi that the apartments are located at the top Halhouly no permit to build (SIMB), so said the clerk at the foreign ministry official Al-Quds in Palestine Israel.
Parties to the foreign ministry stated that the right of ownership of these buildings have dialihtangankan to Sami Arsheed lawyer, who will directly handle this case as well.
Parties to the civil service which has been ruled Israel Al-Quds mayor assigned to destroy more than 100 houses and evict 140 families who live in the township-Palestinian Silwan, east Al-Quds Israel. This unilateral decision was taken after the action of forced displacement experienced by more than 1000 citizens of Palestine from their original places.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared that the action of the Israeli expulsion is in east Al-Quds is not conducive at all.
"It's really not conducive assessed according to the Road Map agreed upon," as Clinton said in a daily column Ramallah in March. He also added that the issue of forced displacement is likely to be more heated in future discussions by the government of Israel and the city of Al-Quds.
When the Pope visited kelahiranya home, and continue the journey to Bethlehem on Wednesday with a mission of peace and reconciliation, the action resumed kekerasanya Israel against the Palestinians and more fierce destruction mission called on Palestinian settlements in east Jerusalem. The mission requires the destruction of the army of Israel to dismantle 31 settlement units inhabited by more than 300 Palestinians. Team party president's foreign affairs adviser, Hatim Abdul Qader, said that the government of the territory of Jerusalem will pulverize staged over 9 residential area near the city of Al Thoury Silwan, south of Al-Aqsa Mosque, on Tuesday night.
The area is residential area inhabited by families Zayyad, Al Bardaweel and Aseela, and also provides housing for more than 70 heads of the Palestinian population. Party presidential advisory team also added the action penghancurleburan residential areas it is legal and not legal in the eyes of the Israeli high court.
Furthermore, the government also ruled Jerusalem settlement forced the owner to demolish the building apartemenya consisting of 22 units built in 1999. Settlement itself provides shelter for 250 heads ready occupied Palestinian population.
Team party president's foreign affairs adviser, Hatim Abdul Qader also said that the case which resulted in his expulsion action forced displacement is still under alias delayed unresolved despite never claimed to not break the law in the eyes of the Israeli high court. That turned out to be the case is still a float, then the personnel-related legal matters in the body of the Israeli high court still had to look over the situation going forward, especially the Israelis themselves.
In an interview with Palestinian news agency (WAFA), Abdul Qader said that the Jerusalem municipal government continued to insist that he was right about kekerasanya action against the Palestinians, even if intercepted thousand international law in favor of the STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST HUMANITY!!!!.
He also added that this is a form of action marginalization of ethnic Palestinians and Arabs are trying to empower themselves as the smell of Jerusalem, and of course, this is to expel the Palestinians are going to insist on rules that Israel can make to leave the ground his birth, Palestine.
Source: Reuter