Monday, November 19, 2012

Rain rocket shot down the Apache Israel, Netanyahu hiding in bunker

GAZA - An Al-Qassam Again able to work with confidence and good. Hamas claimed to have shot down an Israeli Apache helicopter on Sunday evening local time. Hamas rockets also managed to hit the Israeli warship off the coast of Gaza.

Reported Kuwait news agency, KUNA, Sunday, November 18, 2012, attacks were carried out by the Brigade Izz Eddin Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing one. According to sources Al-Qassam Brigades, which is part of the Apache unit of the Israeli warship shot down using a surface-to-air missiles.

Al-Aqsa radio station belongs to Hamas said that five types of missiles fired 107 Qassam brigades right about Israeli warship off the coast of Gaza. According to the Hamas statement, the warship is to find their aircraft is shot down two days ago.

Qassam Brigades said the attack on the Israeli warship was a surprise ambush a form of revenge for the death of Ahmed al-Jabari leaders in Gaza on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Defense Operations Pillar fail to prevent Hamas launching rockets at them. According to an Israeli radio station, citing sources from the Israel Defense Forces, Hamas rockets landed in the city of Ashdod, Beersheba, Ashkelon and Sderot.

Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, was hiding in a bunker. "Netanyahu hiding as many as 18 rockets bombard Gaza Hamas rockets were fired within a few minutes into the cities, some even up to a distance of 40 km from Gaza. Sunday, Hamas fired 70 rockets into Israel. Russian-made Fajr 5 missiles? Hamas also successfully held off in Tel Aviv.

However, most attacks by Hamas militants was successfully stifled by Israel of the sophisticated defense system, Iron Dome. According to Israeli military officials, who have the Iron Dome counter rocket success rate to 80-90 percent successful in preventing more than 300 Hamas attacks entered their territory.

Israel attacks increasingly becomes. Last week, Israeli missiles killed 26 people. Since Wednesday last week, Israeli rockets killed 72 people, 14 of them women and children.

source:  Reuter, Kuna.

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