Friday, November 16, 2012

Istanbul applaud turkish action against zionist Israel

Turkish PM welcomed as hero after 
berating president israel
Istanbul - World applaud the Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan returned to his country, was greeted as a hero Friday after an argument at the World Economic Forum regarding the Israeli war has exceeded the limit in the Gaza Strip.

Around 3,000 supporters gathered at Ataturk airport, Istabul, which is decorated with Turkish flags hard red and white, welcoming Erdogan when he arrived Thursday night from the tourist areas Davos, Switzerland.

Many carried signs condemning Israel, while Turkey is Israel's closest ally in the Muslim world.

"I did what I had to do," he told reporters who gathered at the airport.

"I can not remain apathetic when it comes to these things, it's not my nature. I am bound by a duty to defend the honor of my country."

In one of the moments of the most dramatic, Thursday, Erdogan "walk out" in front of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the other panelists, as protest his statement about Israeli incursions cut.

"I guess I'll go back to Davos after this because you do not let me speak," the prime minister said when he left the meeting, although he later said he might reconsider.

Erdogan criticized the audience for applauding the President of Israel Shimon Peres.
Erdogan, who tried to mediate for peace in the Middle East conflict, said Israel committed an act of "barbaric" in Gaza.

Peres, a Nobel peace prize laureate, then telephoned Erdogan to apologize, according to Turkish news agency Anatolia.

source:  Reuters

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