Friday, November 30, 2012

Former CIA Agent Reveals Secret UFO

Apparently spacecraft that does not come from Planet Earth aka UFOs do exist. U.S. secret agents to find it, and now the secret was dismantled.

Sixty-five years ago, several people witnessed an object falling from the sky in Roswell, New Mexico. It crash site immediately closed by the army that fished rumors that it is the celestial plane of the other planets aka Unidentified Flying Object (UFO).

But the United States Air Force officials made ​​clear that it is the weather radar was flown by balloon. Slowly, rumors evaporate by itself.

A few days ago, Chase Brandon, a former intelligence unit Clandestine Service at the U.S. Intelligence Agency (CIA), claimed to have read the classified documents about the Roswell peristwa. According to Brandon, Roswell report is stored in a vault at the Historical Intelligence Collection at CIA headquarters, Langley.

"There's a box that immediately attracted my attention., Where written one word: Roswell," Brandon said, as quoted by the Daily Mail this week.

Brandon astonishment after reading a secret report on the Roswell incident. "It was not a weather balloon radar, but it's like what is being reported a lot of people," said Brandon. "It was obvious the plane was not from this planet."

Brandon worked for 25 years as an agent of "underground" CIA. He was involved in various anti-terrorism operations, smuggling of weapons and narcotics.

Brandon did not explain in detail what was in the report. He just said the report contains papers and photographs furnished.

"But all it proves, what I believe, what people believe actually happened," said Brandon.

Strengthening the story Brandon, six years ago Lieutenant Walter Haut died. The former spokesman for the U.S. Air Force base at Roswell when it happened left a note.

According to probate records Lt. Haut, a U.S. military official explanation is a distraction. Actually that happened, he wrote, slat U.S. military aircraft was stored in a hangar and several alien bodies. At that time, they were not able to identify the material plane.

Is narrative Chase Brandon and Lieutenant Haut about the existence of aliens? No response from the U.S. government.

Source:  Daily Mail, Yahoo News   

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