Friday, October 19, 2012

U.S. Embassy in Sweden sent Mysterious Powder

The staff immediately evacuated,  
police blockaded the area.  
(Photo: Reuters)
SWEDEN - The U.S. Embassy in Sweden had to be emptied when the envelope was found in some mysterious powder. Police immediately secured the envelope to investigate its contents.

Reported by Reuters, the incident happened on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 in the U.S. representative in Stockholm, Sweden. Envelopes containing white powder were sent to the U.S. Embassy, an unknown person.

Seeing there was a suspicious white powder out of the envelope, the embassy immediately contacted the police and fire departments. As a preventative measure, then isolate the location of the police blocked all the entrances to the venue. A total of 150 embassy staff evacuated to a safe place. Suspicious envelope was eventually secured for further examination. The blockade was re-opened and the staff back to work. Until now it was not known what the content of the powder.

Delivery envelope containing a white powder white powder have occurred in recent years in the offices of Western countries around the world. This white powder containing feared anthrax virus, transmitted by the terrorists.

Source:  Reuters

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