Monday, October 29, 2012

This man Bring 51 cups Wine with One Hand

Breaking through the glass brought (Photo: AFP)

LONDON - An expert on the world's best wines brought record-breaking 51 cups using only one hand. He is considered to have great balance.

Philip Osenton, broke the world record with a stack of glasses of wine using only one hand.

Philip could bring 51 glasses of wine in one hand. It has beaten the previous record took 39 glasses of wine in the year 2007, by a man from the Philippines at a restaurant in Barcelona.

In the first experiment Philip managed to take 45 glasses and the second trial he was able to bring 51 glasses of wine with just one hand.

The man who works as a wine consultant in the UK, admits learned this technique when he became the chief wine taster at the Ritz and the Savoy in London. So reported by the Daily Mail, Sunday (28/10/2012).

source:  Daily Mail

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