Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The debate over the Kuril Islands Russian Heat - Japan

View of the Kuril Islands, where the
 dispute between Japan and Russia 
TOKYO - The Japanese government has adopted a document claiming that Russia "illegally occupies the South Kuril Islands." Russia's Foreign Ministry has sent a letter of protest to Tokyo in response.

This is a response to a proposal by Japan on Japanese lawmakers are more actively involved in economic projects in the South Kuriles, even if it takes a "temporary agree" with the right to govern Russia over the islands.

The government's answer was not vague.

"The Russian Federation is illegally occupying four northern islands," Itar-Tass quoted the documents received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. "In this state, our citizens can not travel to the islands, as Russia's territorial claims. Positions Russia does not coincide with the position we are in the north, and there is no change in this situation."

Russian parliament has been quick to react. Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee the State Duma, Konstantin Kosachev, told reporters Tuesday that "position on the issue of the disputed territory declared by the Japanese government will be very difficult for the Russian dialogue with Japan on this issue further."

"After the Japanese parliament, the legislature approved an amendment to the suit this summer, the Japanese government has effectively refused to take a position and support to revise the results of World War II, when the South Kuril islands to join the Soviet Union under international treaties, and they remains an integral part of the Russian Federation until today, "said Kosachev.

The Russian authorities, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, should provide "a strong reaction to the official document," added the lawmaker.

Commenting on the situation RT asked Dmitry Streltsov, head of the Department of Afro-Asian Studies at the Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO):

"I think today the situation in Japan has not changed drastically. Entire trend established over the past year, when the low-level assembly of the Japanese parliament approved a resolution declaring the South Kuril Islands as the 'occupied territories.' Another thing is that, now , called 'populist politics' in force in Japan and also in several other countries in the world, and in Japan it is very topical.

"So the cabinet of the Democratic Party depends on the electoral mood fluctuations. Issue so-called 'Northern Territory' is attributed to the fact that these issues are addressed by the Japanese as a matter of national dignity. Several generations of Japanese have been taught that aggression against the Soviet Union implemented Japan and the occupied territory, so any concession is treated as a kind of betrayal of the national interest. "

"Another important aspect here is that Russia, unfortunately, still does not have the status of an important strategic partner for Japan, especially in terms of economic relations, as well as Russia does not have the appropriate investment climate for Japanese business. So trade turnover, although it is gradually increased, it still can not compare to what we have with China, South Korea and some other countries. So there is a difference in the relationship between us and Japan on the one hand, and Japan and China or Japan and South Korea on the other hand, even though Tokyo is have territorial claims in the two countries. however, their business partnership and the economic interests of Tokyo made their priority status in Japan's diplomatic strategy is completely different. With Russia, Japan can easily use populist political rhetoric without the risk of endangering the interests of the Japanese economy. "

"As for Russia, I think in the current situation we should not be driven by emotion. It is clear there will be no compromise for both parties on sensitive issues - a situation that can not be solved in principle. Neither side were able to make any concessions also, it would be political suicide for any political leaders on both sides.

"So, the only thing we can do is pursue policies that dignified and stable relationship. We must not push our emotions, but try and move this issue from the center of the agenda of our bilateral relationship and focus on the economic, cultural and other fields of practical our cooperation. That's the formula that can be found in China's relations - Japan, where a territorial dispute exists as well, but did not dominate their agenda. "

It seems that more and fanning the flames of the dispute between the two countries after the two countries also fought on the Russian Tsarist treasures mentioned in Japan.

According to legend, Admiral Kolchak is the last guardian of the treasure Tsar. As a leading commander of the anti-Bolshevik forces, Kolchak was entrusted to keep the Tsar's gold reserves.

Russian admiral is believed to have brought the precious metal to fund the troops overseas and with some gold. However, when Admiral Kolchak was captured and killed, the secret storage location of the gold piles contribute carried to the grave.

Gold puzzle Tsarist Russian society has been able to divide into two. The value of gold is lost is estimated at $ 80 billion.

Source:  Reuters

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