Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hans Blix: Blair - Bush Hunting Necromancer Into Iraq

Hans Blix, who led a team of UN 
weapons inspectors before the 
invasion in 2003, said that he actually 
had warned Blair not to invade Iraq.
LONDON - "guilty verdict" given by George W. Bush and Tony Blair to the late Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is a threat of a "blind" with no supporting evidence and deliberately deployed to serve as a justification for war in Iraq in order to topple Saddam Hussein, according to a former UN weapons inspectors on the day Saturday.

Hans Blix, who led a team of UN weapons inspectors before the invasion in 2003, told the Daily Mail that when it is, the U.S. and British leaders have been misleading themselves and also misleading the public about the main reason for the start of the conflict.

"The existence of weapons of mass destruction" used as the main reason to raise the U.S. led war, despite not getting the approval of the United Nations. This was evident when some time later, a team led by Blix did not find anything that can be used as an excuse to invade Iraq, no "weapons of mass destruction" were found.

"They seemed to believe that they are facing a sorcerer, they then search for and instantly believe the" evidence ", without further examination," said the 81-year-old man told the Daily Mail.

"If someone were to start a war that will cost thousands of lives, then that person should be absolutely sure."

Blix said that he actually had warned Blair not to invade, it was then said: "It would be a strange thing if 250,000 people discordant forces invaded Iraq and just get a little discovery."

He added that, if only the UK is committed to get UN approval in the form of a Security Council resolution in support of the war, then they can slow down the process of raising a military force, but it was not the case. "

"In the end, they put so many soldiers in the Gulf, so they feel that they are better off doing the invasion," said Blix.

Last British combat forces withdrew from Iraq earlier this year, but a process of official inquiry into the conflict, which was launched last month, has revived questions about the reasons behind the actions Blair dragged Britain into the Iraq war.

Contrary to the report, the Daily Mail says that Blix still not get the call to disclose evidence in the investigation, which had been due early next year will bring Blair to testify.

In the Iraq inquiry, it was revealed that the British military security helm suddenly involved in the secret planning of the invasion of Iraq, a few months following a private meeting between Tony Blair and George W. Bush.

Major General David Wilson, who was then an adviser to the British military in the U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Florida, said that he was not given access to the planned war in Iraq when he arrived in Florida before the leaders held a meeting in April 2002. He added that destiny was threatened to be shot if he is forced to participate in the talks.

He added that it was a decisive moment of the war. In a meeting at the presidential ranch in Texas that, George W. Bush said military options against Iraq, told Tony Blair.

Wilson believes that there are orders of Donald Rumsfeld, who was then serving as U.S. Secretary of Defense, to "close the curtains" and suddenly gives access to the British about Iraq war planning process.

Wilson added that there is a tension between London and Tampa as the regulatory body of the Ministry of Defence plans to study the strategy of war. He then gave a speech at a secret military meeting in the U.S. in August 2002, he expressed the possibility of British involvement in the Iraq campaign.

However, Wilson added that no commitment was made to send British troops in military operations in the future. He added that he had not been engaged by U.S. regulators plan about Britain's willingness to take part in the invasion.

Wilson also "attacked" the U.S. plans for Iraq's reconstruction, he added that he had repeatedly warned, because there is no sufficient preparation on what to do after the war. Wilson said that the Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance, which was set up to oversee the reconstruction process, lack of funds and staff.

Source:  Reuters

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